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... 2015: The Road Not Taken

Cover of An Assemblance of Judicious Heretics anthology

The anthology-catalogue, with all the writing in full and images of the artworks. 
Out of print.

AN ASSEMBLANCE OF JUDICIOUS HERETICS: 'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood / And sorry I could not travel both.'  

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In 2014 our collaborative literary and visual art exhibition – AN ASSEMBLANCE OF JUDICIOUS HERETICS was part of Rochester Literature Festival, where our exhibition was shown at Rochester Library from 26 September to 25 October, and we also hosted an evening of readings from the project.


The project was so popular with visitors that we did it again in 2015, and collaborated with a host of artists and writers.


The project works as follows: we anonymously give written texts to a range of artists – and they will interpret the text in whatever medium they chose. The writing and pictures will be displayed as part of the exhibition. For 2015 the topic was inspired by ‘The Road not Taken’ by Robert Frost.


32 writers wrote texts and were interpreted by 35 artists.

The exhibition was shown at Rochester Library through September 2015, with a launch event, where the writing/art collaborations were revealed on Thursday 3 September 2015. 


Facebook: An Assemblance of Judicious Heretics


You can buy a limited edition, full colour book of the exhibition, with all the texts and the images which accompanied them, from Wordsmithery. AAJH: The Road Not Taken provides a valuable snapshot of the writers and artists working in Medway at the time of the exhibition. 

The Heretics (alphabetical)

Nigel Adams, David Bahia, Didi Bergman, Faye Brown, Kieran A Brown, Matt Chamberlain, Geoff Christie, Laura Chuter, Lesley Ellen Cooperwaite, Jen Cross, Janine Crow, Zach Davies, Phil Dillon, Maggie Drury, Angela Dye, Sally Evans, Barry Fentiman-Hall, Sam Fentiman-Hall, Bernice Friend, Bill Gooch, Riven Gray, Heather Haythornthwaite, Sarah Hehir, Dee Hudson, Shaun Philip Hutchings, Joff Insole, Frater Xii Irrumabo, Richard Jeferies, SM Jenkin, Anne-Marie Jordan, Philip Kane, Georgina Lee, Bill Lewis, Ira Lightman, Sharon Manship, Maria C McCarthy, Clair Meyrick, Malek Montag, Cole Moreton, Tara Moyle, Bethany W Pope, Nikki Price, Sam Rapp, Peter Reeds, Dianne Reeves, Dylan Oscar Rowe, Stef Rowe, Razz Saunders, Marilyn Simpson, Phil Smith, Roy Smith, Wynford Vaughan Thomas, Lin Tidy, Chris Tong, Chris Van Beck, Lisa Vigour, James Worse, Neil R Wood, Abigail Ziering.


The collaborations were revealed on 3 September at our event. 


See the event gallery here

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Medway-based literary arts organisation literature development, publishing and projects
Making literature events and literary projects for the community

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