Finalist (Publishing) Kent Creative Awards 2016
Winner (Literature) Medway Culture, design and tourism awards 2015
... our anthology to help UK bumblebees
£8 (inc P+P, UK only for international or bulk orders, please email us)
Poems by:
Patience Agbabi, Sean Alayo, Rachel Bower, Jane Burn, Mark Connors, Zack Davies, Sarah L Dixon, Barry Fentiman Hall, Sam Hall, Maggie Harris, Sarah Hehir, Pauline Holmes, Philip Kane, Knuckles, Bill Lewis, Maria C McCarthy, Rosemary McLeish, John McCullough, Jennifer A McGowan, Jessica Mookherjee, Bridget Nolan, Sue Proffitt, Sarah Tait, Jonathan Terranova.
Writers, musicians and artists have long been inspired by bees. Some of the most famous phrases in English are inspired by them: ‘busy bees’, ‘the bee’s knees’, ‘beeline’, ‘the birds and the bees’, ‘none of your beeswax’, ‘bee in your bonnet’.
But as well as being fun, furry little creatures that have been muses for as long as people have been creating art; bees are essential to crop pollination; ‘of
the 100 crop species that provide 90 per cent of the world’s food, over 70 are pollinated by bees.’ (Achim Steiner, Executive Director UN Environment Programme)
Bumblebees are so important and their numbers are in decline. Wordsmithery have published this pocketsize collection of poems inspired mostly by bumblebees, but also honeybees and other pollinators, with the aim of raising funds
for The Bumblebee Conservation Trust, their mission is ‘to increase the number and distribution of bumblebees’. There are 24 species of bumblebee in the UK - and so we have 24 poets in this anthology.
Once production costs are covered, all proceeds will be going to the charity.
£8 inc P+P (UK-only)
Last order date for Christmas posting 10 December.